The Situk River is uniquely productive, containing all five species of Pacific salmon and the largest run of steelhead in Alaska. Dolly Varden Char and rainbow trout also flourish in these waters.
Like most endeavors in Alaska however, conditions can be unpredictable. While fish follow general patterns, they may be pulsing or holding for periods of times. Bugs, weather and bears may interfere with the daily plan. Fishing in Yakutat requires pluck, patience and an ability to adapt and roll with the punches.
The reward however, can be well worth the efforts. Whether it's fillets to share with friends or just a whole lot of good memories, nobody leaves Yakutat empty handed.
There’s more to Yakutat than the fish in the river too: stunning vistas, prolific wildlife, world-class surf and a culturally proud community to name a few.
For tools you can use including maps, check out our Plan Your Visit page.

sport fishing on the situk

“Considering using a guide or outfitter? Use only permitted operators. They know the river, adhere to regulations and are vested in the community. For a list of registered guides on the Situk contact the Forest Service at 784-3359. "
Lisa Byers
Situk River Ranger, US Forest Service
stay up to date with helpful resources
The fish aren't always running. But when they are, everyone is catching! For up to date sockeye and king salmon counts in the Yakutat area please visit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Yakutat area page.