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Learn about the three main ways we fish:

knowledge, stewardship, and community


One Situk gives fishermen tools to improve their adventure while encouraging the respectful use of these world class waters. After all, there’s only one Situk.

one river.
many users.


welcome to yakutat's

when the fish are running, everyone is catching!

Anchor 1

way of life

sport fishing

commercial fishing

together, locals and visitors share in both the bounty and the responsibility of conserving the fish and vitality of this river.


check out our etiquette page

local tip

How to know when the fishing's good:


look to the

fish trucks!


"If the trucks are coming back from the Situk with more than 10 fish totes on the bed, that's how I know that the fish are running. When the bed is empty, I don't bother."

--Local Man Stan


No, nets are limited to 120 feet long and cover only a small part of the estuary. This allows many fish to continue upstream into the Situk River.

learn more about how set-netting works

welcome to yaakwdáat

“Yaakwdáat is the traditional land of the Teikweidi Brown Bear Clan. We have depended on and have been stewards of this river for centuries. We welcome you to the Situk and know that you will continue to help conserve its resources and promote its tranquility. Have a good visit.”

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One Situk is a community-based initiative to promote stewardship of the Situk River, supply information about the local fisheries and provide tools you can use while visiting Yakutat. We are an education project funded by the Yakutat Resource Advisory Committee under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act. 


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